How to get to the Hameau in Cap Esterel?
Address :245 Allée des Carriers 83530 Saint-Raphaël
GPS coordinates : (43.420476, 6.847823)
Itinerary from home:Click here
You can arrive by the Autoroute du Soleil A8, exit 38 Fréjus/Saint-Raphaël.
From exit 38, you have 15 km to go
Directions from the highway:Click here
By train :
"Saint Raphaël -Valescure" station from which you can reach Cap Estérel (Agay) by multiple means.
Itinerary from theat Saint Raphaël station:Click here
THE TGV MEDITERRANEE stops at Saint-Raphaël-Valescure daily all year round:
4h45 from Paris.
Saint-Raphaël / Valescure station (SNCF TGV/TER) Rue Waldeck Rousseau in the city center
AUTOTRAIN station Fréjus / St Raphaël Rue Denis Papin - 83600 Fréjus (2 km from the center of St Raphaël)
A small TER station is located at DRAMONT to reach the Hameaux on foot. (10mm)
By plane :
Approximately 1 hour (70 km) between Nice Côte-d'Azur International Airport and Saint Raphaël
Itinerary fromNice airport : Click here
About 1h15 (90 km) from Toulon-Hyères Airport to Saint Raphaël
Approximately 1h45 (140 km) from Marseille-Marignane Airport
Taxis from "St Raphael-Valescure" station can also take you to Cap Estérel for an indicative price of around €35.
You can also take the Bus Number 8 from Saint Raphaël bus station (the bus station is right next to the train station) Stop: Cap Estérel.